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Welcome To Met Plus

A 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization

Michigan Employment & Training Plus (MET|PLUS) strives to enable and empower individuals, families and communities to lead informed, productive and culturally sensitive lives. As a  Community Advocate we service all those in need of every culture. We are strong supporters of social services  that hold to the upmost ethical values of community service, healthy lifestyles, education and outreach.


Our Vision is to improve the lives of the disadvantaged residents with wraparound services that will in return create a stronger economy for individuals, families and communities as a whole. Our organization may not be where we want to be, but we know where we are headed so we are working daily to position ourselves to be able to provide the tools and services that our community lacks & so desires.


MET|PLUS is General 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization that wishes to empower the community with a multifaceted wraparound approach of innovative workforce development, community service & advocacy, health & human services. 


What We Do

Help Piecing the Community back together

In the News

Relevant, Important Updates

Back of a group of volunteers

Want to become a Volunteer? Join the MetPlus Family and Make a World of Difference


​Met Plus Senior Village Development


Met Plus Senior Village Project is a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of life for seniors in the heart of Detroit. Founded and led by Chet M. Pitts Sr., the President of Met Plus, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, this project centers around a apartment building located at Lemay & East Jefferson, a prime area in the City of Detroit.


In 2016, a local couple generously donated the property to Met Plus, recognizing the organization's significant contributions to the community. This unexpected blessing kickstarted a journey to fulfill Met Plus's mission, beginning with overcoming challenges Met Plus remains committed to overcoming hurdles and delivering a senior housing project that will positively impact the community.


Met Plus Senior Village Project stands as a testament to the organization's resilience, community commitment, and unwavering dedication to providing quality housing solutions for seniors in Detroit. As the project progresses, Met Plus remains focused on its mission to uplift the lives of seniors and contribute positively to the community it serves.


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Helping our Community

From volunteering to donating, we are committed to helping those in need and making a difference within our community.


"We are not just here to create a mission, MET|PLUS is here to create a change. Your success is our mission."
-Chet M. Pitts, Founder of MetPlus 

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